Endlich mehr Fokus, Klarheit & Happiness

genieße dein neues Ich durch unsere neuartige BIO Superpilz Mischung -
verpackt in einem leckeren und veganen Kakaogetränk 

Transform Your Sleep Quality:

embrace your mornings and nights full of peaceful sleep.

Wenn du wacher und energetsicher bist - dann bist du bereit den Tag in Angriff zu nehmen
und dich jeder Herausforderung selbstbewusst zu stellen:

Group 1334.png__PID:a580d316-d9f1-4565-809c-5ef494cb1de1

Bessere Leistung bei der Arbeit als jemals zuvor.

Group 1335.png__PID:80d316d9-f1e5-4500-9c5e-f494cb1de1c7

 Mehr Quality Time mit Freunden und Familie.

Group 1336.png__PID:d316d9f1-e565-409c-9ef4-94cb1de1c704

Bessere Stimmung & mehr Zufriedenheit im Alltag.

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Klarer Geist und energiegeladene Tage.


Pure Mushroom Cocoa

Für einen klaren Kopf und mehr Fokus aus 100% natürliche Zutaten wie Bio Lions Mane.


L‑Tryptophan, Glycine, MCT, Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA, DHA, ALA), Omega‑9 Fatty Acids, Magnesium, Zinc and others.


Recommended use: one bottle/night, but some of our customers just take it whenever they need to wake up at their best.


100% Vegan & BIO


Keine Süßstoffe


Ohne Gluten


Keine Chemie

Mask Group 442.png__PID:9fc35a96-2b34-459b-81e3-29c27f69a4dd


  • Pack of 10 DELTA bottles
  • Take it when you need it
  • Supports natural brain function
  • Subscribe & Save up to 35%

Select delivery frequency:

Mask Group 443.png__PID:a49fc35a-962b-4445-9b41-e329c27f69a4

$216.00 $240.00

  • Pack of 10 DELTA bottles
  • Take it when you need it
  • Supports natural brain function
  • Subscribe & Save up to 35%

Select delivery frequency:

Mask Group 444.png__PID:3ea49fc3-5a96-4b34-859b-41e329c27f69

$324.00 $360.00

  • Pack of 10 DELTA bottles
  • Take it when you need it
  • Supports natural brain function
  • Subscribe & Save up to 35%

Select delivery frequency:


OTC Melatonin vs
Creating Your Own

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

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embrace your mornings and nights full of peaceful sleep.

Mask Group 441.png__PID:90c1d8f2-8dca-477d-bfca-28a3b7f3535a

Algae oil (DHA, EPA)

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 440.png__PID:c1d8f28d-cad7-4dbf-8a28-a3b7f3535ade

Flaxseed oil (ALA)

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 439.png__PID:f28dcad7-7dbf-4a28-a3b7-f3535adeadb8

MCT Oil from coconuts

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 438.png__PID:8dcad77d-bfca-48a3-b7f3-535adeadb888

Vitamin D3

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 436.png__PID:7dbfca28-a3b7-4353-9ade-adb888345ed0

Vitamina E

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 437.png__PID:cad77dbf-ca28-43b7-b353-5adeadb88834


Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 435.png__PID:d77dbfca-28a3-47f3-935a-deadb888345e


Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 434.png__PID:d8f28dca-d77d-4fca-a8a3-b7f3535adead

Lemon pulp water

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:


embrace your mornings and nights full of peaceful sleep.

Mask Group 441.png__PID:90c1d8f2-8dca-477d-bfca-28a3b7f3535a

Algae oil (DHA, EPA)

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 440.png__PID:c1d8f28d-cad7-4dbf-8a28-a3b7f3535ade

Flaxseed oil (ALA)

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 439.png__PID:f28dcad7-7dbf-4a28-a3b7-f3535adeadb8

MCT Oil from coconuts

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 438.png__PID:8dcad77d-bfca-48a3-b7f3-535adeadb888

Vitamin D3

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 436.png__PID:7dbfca28-a3b7-4353-9ade-adb888345ed0

Vitamina E

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 437.png__PID:cad77dbf-ca28-43b7-b353-5adeadb88834


Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 435.png__PID:d77dbfca-28a3-47f3-935a-deadb888345e


Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Mask Group 434.png__PID:d8f28dca-d77d-4fca-a8a3-b7f3535adead

Lemon pulp water

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Transform Your Sleep Quality:

Sleep benefit 1

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Sleep benefit 2

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Sleep benefit 3

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Sleep benefit 4

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:


Transform Your Sleep Quality:

Sleep benefit 1

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Sleep benefit 2

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Sleep benefit 3

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

Sleep benefit 4

Instead of flooding your brain with synthetic hormones, you can fuel it to create them naturally! How DELTA by BrainLuxury compares:

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Join over 5k + satisfied users across the globe

Read what our customers have to say about DELTA.

- Briella

I been having trouble sleeping for over…

I been having trouble sleeping for over 20 years and the last year it has gotten really bad where I have had to take medication every night for the past months, and I have tried just about everything out there. I started Brianluxury Sleep with a one time 30 day box. After being on the product for about 15 days, I am now falling asleep half the time. There was a week where I fell asleep 5 nights in a row, that hasn’t happen in years. Now I have ordered a 6 months subscription believing this is going to cure my sleep.

- Briella

I been having trouble sleeping for over…

I been having trouble sleeping for over 20 years and the last year it has gotten really bad where I have had to take medication every night for the past months, and I have tried just about everything out there. I started Brianluxury Sleep with a one time 30 day box. After being on the product for about 15 days, I am now falling asleep half the time. There was a week where I fell asleep 5 nights in a row, that hasn’t happen in years. Now I have ordered a 6 months subscription believing this is going to cure my sleep.

- Briella

I been having trouble sleeping for over…

I been having trouble sleeping for over 20 years and the last year it has gotten really bad where I have had to take medication every night for the past months, and I have tried just about everything out there. I started Brianluxury Sleep with a one time 30 day box. After being on the product for about 15 days, I am now falling asleep half the time. There was a week where I fell asleep 5 nights in a row, that hasn’t happen in years. Now I have ordered a 6 months subscription believing this is going to cure my sleep.